We are a network of Australian researchers, clinicians, allied health professionals and community members aiming to optimise the medical management of cystic fibrosis lung exacerbations (flare ups).

Info for participants

BEAT CF Platform: Participant journey

BEAT CF Platform: Info for kids

BEAT CF Platform: Randomisation Q&A

People enrolled in the platform

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Paper published by BEAT CF investigators

Paper published by BEAT CF investigators

The BEAT CF investigator team has published a paper in the Journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. The open access article explains the need for novel trials in cystic fibrosis and provides a foundation for the BEAT CF study.

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Our research collaborators

This project is funded by a Medical Research Future Fund Grant (GNT1152376)

This project has been approved by the Child & Adolescent Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee.Ā RGS0000001265